Current Students

Everything you need, all in one place. Get important updates and find Central Piedmont resources and support services.

Student Email

Change Your Password

  • For improved security, all students are required to change their password every 90 days. Failure to do so will prevent you from accessing Central Piedmont systems such as Brightspace, MyCollege, Watermark, and email. Check your inbox for more details and visit the Account Management Portal to change your password today.

Register for Classes

Important Resources


Planning ahead? Access printable academic calendars for 2025, 2026, 2027, and 2028.

Printable Academic Calendars

Disability and Access Services

Disability and Access Services

Digital Technology Skills Training

Assistive Technology Tools 


  • Do you need help with everyday tasks like reading text out loud and understanding unfamiliar words? What about help studying for tests, writing papers, or completing homework assignments? 
  • Download the free Read&Write browser extension and log in with your Central Piedmont credentials to make it easier to complete your work and be successful. Available in Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge.


  • Equatio helps make digital math content accessible for students and faculty. Download the free Equatio browser extension and log in with your Central Piedmont credentials to make it easier to complete math digitally. Available in Google Chrome.

Campus Security Contacts


If you would like us to add something that you use a lot to this page or if you have a general question, email us to let us know.