Information for Students

Giving back to your community is easier than you think.

Service-Learning works with instructors and community partners to provide you with volunteer and service-learning opportunities. Service-Learning staff is available on every campus. We help provide opportunities for you to connect with your community both in-class and outside of the classroom, such as Alternative Spring Breaks, clubs, student leadership initiatives, and Service in Action.​​​​​​

Find and Participate in Service-Learning Opportunities

If you have a requirement or an optional assignment to do service-learning hours in your class, use the following steps. Service-learning hours must be completed at a nonprofit agency. If you are looking to get involved on your own, let us know — we can help.

  • Research Opportunities

    The community partner listing provides contact information for tons of nonprofits in our area. We also have a list of virtual opportunities you can participate in.  These are great places for you to complete your service hours. Find an organization that you are interested in and that meets the requirements you have for class. Contact the organization, stating your name and that you are a Central Piedmont service-learning student. Tell the organization the number of hours you need to complete and have your schedule ready to plan your service.

  • Track Your Service

    Track your service using the Service-Learning Time Sheet. Your entries will be sent to your instructor (if applicable) to ensure you have completed service hours and selected an approved community partner. 

  • Complete the Service-Learning Evaluation

    Complete the service-learning evaluation form. Print out the confirmation page that says you completed it.

  • Submit Documentation

    Be sure you have submitted all electronic documentation forms for your instructor. If you are doing service without needing to for class, be sure you have submitted the Service-Learning Timesheet.

Events and Programs

Continue to check the student activities calendar at for more Service-Learning event opportunities.

  • Rotaract Club

    Rotaract Club is a campus club for students who are 18–30 years of age, are civically minded, and want to give back to their community

  • Service in Action

    Service in Action is a series of service projects hosted by Service-Learning each fall semester and each spring semester.

  • Alternative Breaks

    Alternative Breaks are low-cost service trips where you participate in meaningful service activities, learn more about community issues, and have fun.

  • MLK Challenge

    The MLK Challenge is an annual service event held on MLK Day in January. By serving your community, you celebrate the life and teachings of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

  • Project Life Movement

    The Project Life Movement is a campus-based national marrow donor organization. It is dedicated to saving lives. Project Life drives on campus seek to register donors to the national list to save the lives of those who have blood cancers and other diseases. Drives happen in the spring semester of the academic year.

  • Volunteer Fairs

    At Volunteer Fairs, you can meet our community partners to learn about opportunities to serve in their organizations.

Commemorate Your Service

  • Service Record

    The service-learning record is a document that we can create for you that lists all of the service hours you have turned in to our department. It can include service you have done while enrolled at Central Piedmont with a particular class or on your own. The service-learning record is a great way to make yourself stand out to a four-year university or employer.

    Your service record will not be sent automatically you must request your record. You can request a PDF copy of your service-learning service record via email from Whitney Williams. Please provide your full name and student ID number in your request.

  • Graduation Pin

    Service-Learning is proud to award our civically engaged Central Piedmont students with a pin to wear with your graduation regalia. You can be awarded a pin if you complete 30 or more hours of service or community engagement. You can pick up your pin after you apply for graduation and our office has verified that you have completed 30 or more service hours. To request a service-learning pin, email Whitney Williams.