Start or Manage a Student Group

Congratulations on taking the first step toward making your college experience even more rewarding by creating a new student group at Central Piedmont.

Start a new student group

  1. Recruit ten charter members and create a roster to include each member's name, student ID numbers, and signatures.  Charter members must be currently enrolled college-credit-seeking students at Central Piedmont. 
  2. Create a constitution for your group.  Use the sample constitution PDF as a guide.
  3. Recruit at least one Central Piedmont faculty or staff member to serve as an advisor.
  4. Complete the Application for New Student Group Recognition.

Once you've completed steps 1-4, your application will be reviewed and forwarded to the Student Government Association (SGA). A member of the SGA will be in contact with you to schedule a hearing. During the hearing, you will be asked to present information and details related to the proposal submitted with your application to the members of SGA before they vote on a decision to approve or decline your request.

A representative from the Student Life department will follow up with newly approved student groups to provide registration details and schedule a required orientation session.  

Manage a student group

Requesting Operational Support:

Please complete the form below if your student group would like to request support, including approvals for fundraising, events, activities, travel, and assistance with financial transactions or other general questions.  

Student Group General Request Form