North Carolina Longleaf Commitment Grant

If you’re a 2021 or 2022 high school graduate planning to earn an associate or transfer degree at Central Piedmont, the NC Longleaf Commitment Grant can help you cover your tuition and fees for up to two years. The grant is available during the 2022–2023 and 2023–2024 academic years. It is not available during the summer terms.

Grant Amount

If eligible to receive a Longleaf Commitment Grant, you can expect to get:

  • $700–$2,800 per academic year (full-time students; part-time students can get a partial award)

  • your award for a total of two years


If you receive a Longleaf Commitment grant, you are eligible for up to four consecutive semesters (not including summer terms).

Get Started Today

There is not a separate Longleaf Commitment Grant application. You will automatically be considered for the grant once you do your FAFSA and enroll at Central Piedmont. If eligible, you will get an award letter from the Central Piedmont Financial Aid office in July.

Learn More

Funding for the Longleaf Commitment Grant comes from the Governor’s Emergency Education Relief (GEER) fund, using money from federal COVID-19 relief packages. The North Carolina Longleaf Commitment Grant is a partnership between the North Carolina governor’s office, the North Carolina Community College System, and the State Education Assistance Authority.

About the NC Longleaf Commitment Grant