
Explore a career or gain practical experience in the field through internship opportunities that can range from special weekend projects to an entire year.

In an internship, your work schedule's start and end dates are flexible depending on the employer's needs and your schedule; you will coordinate your schedule with the employer. You will not have a minimum-hour project requirement. Internships may be project work, contract-based, or time-based and can range from a weekend experience to an entire year in length. Internships may be paid or unpaid, depending on the employer. 

Internships are open to current college-credit-seeking students enrolled in participating for-college-credit programs, students in a Corporate and Continuing Education program, and recent graduates of Central Piedmont. Eligibility varies by program.

Benefits of an Internship

  • Gain practical experience in your field or explore a career path.

  • Work with professionals who have first-hand knowledge of your work product and skills.

  • Develop a portfolio of work to increase your chances of finding a job.

  • There is no cost to participate in an internship.

  • A Workplace Learning coordinator and an on-site supervisor will mentor and support you during your internship.

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