President's List
To honor students in for-college-credit programs for outstanding academic achievement, the college publishes a President's List at the end of each term. The President's List recognizes students who achieved a 4.00 or greater grade point average (GPA) with no Incomplete ("I") or Withdraw ("W") grades and who have completed at least 12 hours of credit in courses numbered 100 through 299.
For information from older lists, contact Karine Injaychock.
Fall 2024
First Name | Last Name | City | State |
Monique | Aaron | Charlotte | NC |
Celine | Abangapakwa | Charlotte | NC |
Genesis | Abreu | Charlotte | NC |
Nathan | Abundez | Charlotte | NC |
Arielle | Ackerlund | Charlotte | NC |
Alicia | Acosta | Huntersville | NC |
Diego | Acosta | Charlotte | NC |
Adeline | Adams | Huntersville | NC |
Eruch | Adams | Asheville | NC |
Kalid | Adem | Charlotte | NC |
Leila | Adeniyi | Matthews | NC |
Grace | Aguegue | Charlotte | NC |
Christopher | Aguilar | Charlotte | NC |
Justin | Aguilar | Charlotte | NC |
Karla | Aguirre | Charlotte | NC |
Liam | Ahern | Waxhaw | NC |
Maribella | Aitchison | Charlotte | NC |
Salomon Josue | Aka | Charlotte | NC |
Nil | Akin | Charlotte | NC |
Joshua | Akines | Lexington | NC |
Shank | Al Jmur | Fort Mill | SC |
Juliet | Albano | Belmont | NC |
Hussain | Aldarweesh | Charlotte | NC |
Alisa | Alekseeva | Charlotte | NC |
Abraham | Ali | Charlotte | NC |
Hwida | Alkhazin | Charlotte | NC |
Ashley | Allen | Charlotte | NC |
Laina | Allen | Charlotte | NC |
Zion | Allen | Matthews | NC |
Krystale | Alloux | Charlotte | NC |
Tala | Al-Sibai | Charlotte | NC |
Wilson | Alvarado | Charlotte | NC |
Kristen | Alvarado Sorto | Charlotte | NC |
Susan | Alvarenga | Charlotte | NC |
Edson | Alvarez Lumbrano | Charlotte | NC |
Cidney | Amadi | Charlotte | NC |
Yemi | Amaral | Fort Mill | SC |
Kamryn | Amorossi | Matthews | NC |
Mercedes | Anaya | Charlotte | NC |
Abinandan | Anbarasu | Charlotte | NC |
Benjamin | Anderson | Charlotte | NC |
Julia | Andrade | Waxhaw | NC |
Liza | Angela | Charlotte | NC |
Thomas | Anton | Charlotte | NC |
Brandon | Archer | Charlotte | NC |
Emily | Argueta Marroquin | Charlotte | NC |
Ciara | Arizmendi-Feliciano | Waxhaw | NC |
Johanna | Armendariz | Charlotte | NC |
Tanaea | Armstrong | Charlotte | NC |
Theresa | Asare | ||
Stephen | Ash | Houston | TX |
Kwabena | Asumadu-Sakyi | Charlotte | NC |
Cassandre | Aurelio | Charlotte | NC |
Abigail | Austin | Monroe | NC |
Naveah | Austin | Concord | NC |
Payton | Austin | Matthews | NC |
Daniel | Averkov | Matthews | NC |
Nicholas | Avila | Mint Hill | NC |
Dima | Awadallah | Charlotte | NC |
Mai | Awm Pai | Charlotte | NC |
Elizabeth | Ayala | Charlotte | NC |
Daniil | Babitskii | Charlotte | NC |
Kseniia | Bagrova | Indian Trail | NC |
Dawn | Bailey | Charlotte | NC |
Joshua | Bailey | Charlotte | NC |
Jennifer | Baldridge | Charlotte | NC |
Sarah | Ballard | Bessemer City | NC |
Matthew | Bane-Pickens | Salisbury | NC |
Cristian | Banuelos | Charlotte | NC |
Jessica | Bare | Huntersville | NC |
Skylar | Barnett | Huntersville | NC |
Ximena | Barragan Vargas | Charlotte | NC |
Nancy | Barrera Perez | Mooresville | NC |
Brian | Bartman | Cornelius | NC |
Diego | Bastidas Chaparro | Charlotte | NC |
Melaniya | Batsuk | Matthews | NC |
Marli | Baucom | Charlotte | NC |
Justin | Baxley | Charlotte | NC |
Madeline | Beaty | Charlotte | NC |
Brooke | Bebler | Charlotte | NC |
Kya | Beckford | Charlotte | NC |
Jessie | Beckham | Charlotte | NC |
Laura | Bello | Waxhaw | NC |
Isai | Benitez | Charlotte | NC |
Amanda | Benko-Patterson | Monroe | NC |
Aniya | Bennett | Charlotte | NC |
Jillian | Bennett | Concord | NC |
Trevor | Bercher | Denver | NC |
Morgan | Berkopec | Davidson | NC |
Juan | Bermudez Araujo | Charlotte | NC |
Joshua | Berry | Monroe | NC |
Marcelo | Bertoglio Herrera | Waxhaw | NC |
Anya | Betancourt Rojas | Concord | NC |
Milena | Beuter | Charlotte | NC |
Khushi | Bhatia | Charlotte | NC |
Ayush | Bhujle | Charlotte | NC |
Hunter | Biang | Charlotte | NC |
Jude | Bianouni | Harrisburg | NC |
Isabel | Biggs | Belmont | NC |
Jacob | Birch | Statesville | NC |
Ryanne | Bird | Cornelius | NC |
Samuel | Birdsong | Charlotte | NC |
Ariyanah | Black-Lawe | Charlotte | NC |
Carter | Blackstone | Casar | NC |
Tatiana | Blanchard | Charlotte | NC |
Delaynie | Blank | Huntersville | NC |
Ashlyn | Blong | Charlotte | NC |
Ellery | Bobick | Charlotte | NC |
Destiny | Bobo | Charlotte | NC |
Irina | Boboev | Charlotte | NC |
Samuel | Bodnar | Charlotte | NC |
Gloria Elisabet | Bolarinwa | Charlotte | NC |
Hannah | Bonapart | Charlotte | NC |
Taylor | Boone | Monroe | NC |
Freeda | Bor | Huntersville | NC |
Matt | Bost | Charlotte | NC |
Taylor | Bour | Denver | NC |
Andrea | Bourdon | Cornelius | NC |
Katelyn | Bowers | Matthews | NC |
Savannah | Bowlus | Fayetteville | NC |
Hermione | Brailsford | Charlotte | NC |
Donavan | Bramel | Holualoa | HI |
Michael | Brammer | Matthews | NC |
Jasiah | Brand | Linwood | NC |
Isaac | Braun | Charlotte | NC |
Sydney | Braun | Charlotte | NC |
Nicholas | Bravo | Charlotte | NC |
Summer | Breakfield | Charlotte | NC |
Xenia | Breisacher | Charlotte | NC |
Julia | Brighton | Charlotte | NC |
Ana | Brijeski | Mooresville | NC |
Aikaterini | Brika | Charlotte | NC |
Juan | Brinez | Charlotte | NC |
Lance | Britt | Cass City | MI |
Charlea | Brockman | Charlotte | NC |
Rachel | Brouillet | Charlotte | NC |
Adrian | Brown | Winter Park | FL |
Kameal | Brown | Charlotte | NC |
Mashela | Brown | Charlotte | NC |
Nichole | Brown | Charlotte | NC |
Brendon | Buckanavage | Mint Hill | NC |
Meredith | Buckanavage | Charlotte | NC |
Bishika | Budhathoki | Charlotte | NC |
Daniel | Buehrig | Mount Holly | NC |
Phat | Bui | Charlotte | NC |
Sara | Buitrago Acuna | Charlotte | NC |
Parker | Bullis | Huntersville | NC |
Katherine | Burdi | Charlotte | NC |
Zamyria | Burgess | Charlotte | NC |
Brandon | Burks | Concord | NC |
Jacob | Burns | Charlotte | NC |
Kerby | Burns | Charlotte | NC |
Mason | Burrell | Huntersville | NC |
Stephanie | Burrell | Gastonia | NC |
Victoria | Burroughs | Monroe | NC |
Kaeli | Burrows | Charlotte | NC |
Shaquiah | Burton | Huntersville | NC |
Claudio | Bustamante | Charlotte | NC |
Isabella | Buysse | Mooresville | NC |
Renee | Byrnes | Apex | NC |
Ana | Caceres | Charlotte | NC |
Mazie | Caig | Indian Trail | NC |
Fabienne | Calasso | Cornelius | NC |
Jeremy | Calhoun | Charlotte | NC |
Yamilka | Calzadilla Rodriguez | Monroe | NC |
Irineo | Camacho | Indian Trail | NC |
Daniela | Camargo Gonzalez | Marvin | NC |
Ashley | Campomanes | Mt Holly | NC |
Lenin | Campozano | Mount Holly | NC |
Cindy | Canales | Charlotte | NC |
David | Cano-Cerrato | Charlotte | NC |
Dolores | Cano-Rosales | Charlotte | NC |
Fidel | Cantu | Charlotte | NC |
Trang | Cao | Monroe | NC |
Bridget | Carcamo | Charlotte | NC |
Ivania | Cardenas | Concord | NC |
Giulia | Cardoso | Matthews | NC |
Patrick | Carey | Charlotte | NC |
Marjorie | Carihua Vela | Charlotte | NC |
Patricia | Carmenia | Charlotte | NC |
Samara | Carmona | Matthews | NC |
Melanie | Carnahan | Cornelius | NC |
Jaymee | Carpenter | Monroe | NC |
Sarah | Carpenter | Charlotte | NC |
Camille | Carr | Charlotte | NC |
Chase | Carr | Lucedale | MS |
Emaline | Carr | MATTHEWS | NC |
Rebecca | Carrara Moreno de Souza | Mooresville | NC |
Amariah | Carter | Gastonia | NC |
Lizsandra | Carter | Charlotte | NC |
Madyson | Carter | Charlotte | NC |
Xander | Case | Charlotte | NC |
Francis | Cash | Charlotte | NC |
Andrew | Cassada | Stanley | NC |
Adriana | Castillo | Huntersville | NC |
Itamar | Castillo Pinango | Charlotte | NC |
Guadalupe | Castro | Charlotte | NC |
Joseph | Castro | Charlotte | NC |
Ximena | Castro | Charlotte | NC |
Elvin | Castro Castro | Charlotte | NC |
Johana | Castro-Castro | Charlotte | NC |
Ashley | Cattaneo | Concord | NC |
Noemi | Caudillo Moreno | Charlotte | NC |
Melanie | Causse | Matthews | NC |
Amaya | Chambers | Charlotte | NC |
John | Champion | Cornelius | NC |
Aidan | Chanthaboury | Charlotte | NC |
Natalie | Cheek | Huntersville | NC |
David | Chen | Huntersville | NC |
Meghan | Chen | Charlotte | NC |
Joshua | Cherry | Matthews | NC |
Shamiriah | Chestnut | Charlotte | NC |
Rikhil | Chilka | Charlotte | NC |
Andrew | Chillcott | Charlotte | NC |
Kimora | Chisholm | Charlotte | NC |
Chloe | Choi | Matthews | NC |
Mina | Choukami | Charlotte | NC |
Maryelizabeth | Christenbury | Iron Station | NC |
John | Christodoulias | Charlotte | NC |
Dumitru | Ciobanu | Monroe | NC |
Keisha | Cisneros-Romero | Charlotte | NC |
Christian | Clark | Harrisburg | NC |
Madeline | Clark | Waxhaw | NC |
Nathan | Clippard | Stanley | NC |
Esther | Clontz | Monroe | NC |
Nathan | Coburn | Charlotte | NC |
Vincenzo | Coccoli | Charlotte | NC |
Chandler | Coleman | Concord | NC |
Meaghan | Coleman | Davidson | NC |
Reed | Coleman | Huntersville | NC |
Samantha | Collins | Gastonia | NC |
Deborah | Colon Rodriguez | Charlotte | NC |
Anders | Conner | Davidson | NC |
Lacey | Conti | Charlotte | NC |
Deja | Cook | Charlotte | NC |
Brandon | Cooney | Mount Airy | NC |
Matthew | Cooper | Wadesboro | NC |
Michelle | Cooper | Charlotte | NC |
Norman | Cornejo | Charlotte | NC |
Jonathan | Coronado | Charlotte | NC |
Sarah | Correa | Charlotte | NC |
Esteban | Coto Castro | Matthews | NC |
Chasity | Cousart | Charlotte | NC |
Brittany | Cox | Trinity | NC |
Alexander | Craven | Mount Holly | NC |
Rylee | Crawford | Waxhaw | NC |
Cameron | Craycraft | Charlotte | NC |
Paul | Cristina | Rock Hill | SC |
Jesus | Cruz-Garcia | Charlotte | NC |
Brittany | Cruz-Molina | Charlotte | NC |
Wilson | Cueva Garcia | Charlotte | NC |
America | Cuevas Emigdio | Concord | NC |
Jake | Curran | Cornelius | NC |
Chyna | Curry | Charlotte | NC |
Joao Pedro | Da Silva Rocha | Indian Trail | NC |
Oasis | Dahal | Charlotte | NC |
Whitney | Dale | Charlotte | NC |
Vinz | Damuag | Charlotte | NC |
Oyintonbra | Daria | Charlotte | NC |
Sabina | Darjee | Charlotte | NC |
Mitchell | Darnell | Columbus | NC |
Cassidy | Darwin | Concord | NC |
Elijah | Darwin | Concord | NC |
Aylah | Dasilva | Charlotte | NC |
Keyla | Dasilva | Charlotte | NC |
Felicity | Davidson | Charlotte | NC |
Keisha | Davis | Charlotte | NC |
Indigo | Dawson | Huntersville | NC |
Michael | Dawson | Shelby | NC |
Cedric | De la Cruz | Charlotte | NC |
Amy | De la Cruz Proano | Charlotte | NC |
Marian | De la Fe Batista | Concord | NC |
Yamile | De Oro Vergara | Charlotte | NC |
Jordan | Deans | Charlotte | NC |
London | Deaton | Charlotte | NC |
Valeria | Delgado | Charlotte | NC |
Kayla | Demma | Harrisburg | NC |
Bailey | Derose | Charlotte | NC |
Fernando | Diaz Regino | Charlotte | NC |
Jayla | Dillard | Charlotte | NC |
Nico | Dininno | Charlotte | NC |
Jasmine | Dirton | Charlotte | NC |
Arial | Dixon | Charlotte | NC |
Madison | Dixon | Cornelius | NC |
Isaac | Dizolele | Cedar City | UT |
Crystal | Doan | Matthews | NC |
Peter | Doane | Marshville | NC |
Rebekah | Dodd | Charlotte | NC |
Laura | Dolan | Charlotte | NC |
Benjamin | Donahue | Indian Trail | NC |
John | Dorothy | Monroe | NC |
Emma | Douglas | Monroe | NC |
Asher | Dover | Belmont | NC |
Jacynda | Dover | Indian Trail | NC |
James | Dover | Belmont | NC |
Jamaur | Downs | Charlotte | NC |
McKenna | Drahzal | Charlotte | NC |
Taylor | Dreger | Davidson | NC |
Cecelia | Drendel | Charlotte | NC |
Tillman | Drennan | Jackson Springs | NC |
Isaiah | Drummer | Charlotte | NC |
Dequira | Duncan | Charlotte | NC |
Tyler | Duncan | Charlotte | NC |
Kennedy | Dunn | Tega Cay | SC |
Rishba | Earayil | Charlotte | NC |
Heather | Earley | Waxhaw | NC |
Joshua | Earnesty | Concord | NC |
Krishna | Eason | Gastonia | NC |
Ronald | Eastman | Charlotte | NC |
Jerry | Eban | Charlotte | NC |
Andrew | Edgerton | Charlotte | NC |
Morgan | Ehrenhaft | Charlotte | NC |
Gage | Eisley | Leland | NC |
Ranka | El Alami | Charlotte | NC |
Houda | El Yahyaoui | Charlotte | NC |
Wamdah | Elkhalifa | Charlotte | NC |
Abdulrahman | Elkhouly | Charlotte | NC |
Whitney | Ellis | Waxhaw | NC |
Jillian | Ellison | Huntersville | NC |
Darian | Elsner | Charlotte | NC |
Makaay | Emile | Charlotte | NC |
Joseph | Engeland | Renton | WA |
Ellyce | Enoch | Charlotte | NC |
Kaly | Escobar-Funes | Charlotte | NC |
Andre | Esperon | Charlotte | NC |
Christina | Espino Firpi | Mint Hill | NC |
Katherine | Espinoza | Charlotte | NC |
Shayla | Espinoza-Gaspar | Charlotte | NC |
Molly | Eubanks | Charlotte | NC |
Kayla | Evans | Concord | NC |
Samantha | Fagan | Gastonia | NC |
Haley | Fagin | Concord | NC |
Dennisse | Farias Gonzalez | Charlotte | NC |
Elizabeth | Fawehinmi | Charlotte | NC |
Zachary | Felstow | Huntersville | NC |
Jose | Felten | Charlotte | NC |
Cadella | Ferdinand | Belmont | NC |
Alexa | Fermin | Charlotte | NC |
Franklyn | Fernandez | Charlotte | NC |
Chani | Fichtner | Mount Holly | NC |
Melissa | Figueroa | Charlotte | NC |
Amanda | Fincher | Charlotte | NC |
John | Fincken | Stallings | NC |
Dale | Fitzpatrick | Indian Trail | NC |
Josue | Flores Guevara | Charlotte | NC |
Keily | Flores Valle | Huntersville | NC |
Claire | Fogarty | Charlotte | NC |
Serenity | Fogel | Monroe | NC |
Nadia | Fontes | Concord | NC |
Carter | Frady | Belmont | NC |
Sarah | Fransen | Pineville | NC |
Karissa | Frazier | Charlotte | NC |
Demetris | Freeman | Charlotte | NC |
Makayla | Freeman | Charlotte | NC |
Bryson | Froneberger | Charlotte | NC |
Gloria | Fuentes | Charlotte | NC |
Sloanne | Fulk | King | NC |
Alexander | Fultz | Pineville | NC |
Zaraiyah | Fungula | Charlotte | NC |
Ella | Gabler | Cornelius | NC |
Lorena | Gadelha Azevedo | Charlotte | NC |
Benjamin | Gadson | Charlotte | NC |
Alyson | Galindez | Charlotte | NC |
Deon | Gamble | Charlotte | NC |
Kaylee | Gamboa Salgado | Charlotte | NC |
Flor | Garavito | Monroe | NC |
Andrew | Garcia | Charlotte | NC |
Leilah | Garcia | Charlotte | NC |
Odelis | Garcia | Charlotte | NC |
Rafael | Garcia | Charlotte | NC |
Rebeca | Garcia | Charlotte | NC |
Yesenia | Garcia | Monroe | NC |
Juan | Garcia Correal | Charlotte | NC |
Zeyri | Garcia-Rivas | Charlotte | NC |
Ayla | Gardner | Charlotte | NC |
Joseph | Gasabo | Charlotte | NC |
Jose | Gauntlett | Charlotte | NC |
Mirian | Gauntlett | Charlotte | NC |
Keira | Gavin | Charlotte | NC |
Rafael | Gaze | Gastonia | NC |
Jake | Gehrman | Charlotte | NC |
Alashia | Gellineau | Charlotte | NC |
Callie | Genece | Charlotte | NC |
Serafim | Georgopoulos | Charlotte | NC |
Bella | Gerald | Lumberton | NC |
Xamielys | Gerena | Charlotte | NC |
Tyler | Gerlach | Charlotte | NC |
Lili | Gibson | Monroe | NC |
Amber | Gifford | Harrisburg | NC |
Melissa | Giraldo | Charlotte | NC |
De'aja | Gladden | Charlotte | NC |
Carmen | Glenn | Charlotte | NC |
Nicholas | Goff | Mint Hill | NC |
Meredith | Goforth | Shelby | NC |
Sheridan | Gokalp | Charlote | NC |
Penelope | Goldstein | Huntersville | NC |
Erick | Gomez | Charlotte | NC |
Narai | Gomez Puc | Mint Hill | NC |
Tania | Gomez Puc | Mint Hill | NC |
Sarah | Gonzalez | Charlotte | NC |
Yanet | Gonzalez Rodriguez | Kannapolis | NC |
Melisa | Gonzalez-Patino | Charlotte | NC |
Mariana | Graciano Duque | Charlotte | NC |
Emmanuel | Granadero-Trejo | Mocksville | NC |
Katie | Granados Reyes | Charlotte | NC |
Natalie | Granberry | Gastonia | NC |
Toni | Green | Charlotte | NC |
Chase | Greenberg | Charlotte | NC |
Miana | Greene | Minneapolis | MN |
Kailynne | Greer | Monroe | NC |
Rhonda | Grier | Charlotte | NC |
Isabella | Griffin | Waxhaw | NC |
Radiant | Griffin | Cornelius | NC |
Claire | Grimes | Matthews | NC |
Wesley | Grimes | Charlotte | NC |
Genevieve | Grimm | Charlotte | NC |
Jennifer | Grohs | Fort Mill | SC |
Patricia | Grzanna | Fort Mill | SC |
Deiondra | Guenther | Rock Hill | SC |
Nancy | Guerra | Charlotte | NC |
Jocelyn | Guerrero Lujano | Charlotte | NC |
Selena | Guevara | Monroe | NC |
Evie | Guisewhite | Iron Station | NC |
Nandini | Guruprasadh | Charlotte | NC |
Alexis | Guzman | Charlotte | NC |
Marvin | Guzman | Charlotte | NC |
Angie | Guzman-Valencia | Charlotte | NC |
Million | Habte | Matthews | NC |
Nebi | Habte | Charlotte | NC |
Jood | Hagahmed | Charlotte | NC |
Jarah | Hager | Concord | NC |
Rowa | Hajmahmoud | Huntersville | NC |
Ashley | Hall | Stanfield | NC |
Ethan | Hall | Charlotte | NC |
Jeffery | Hall | Charlotte | NC |
Philip | Hall | Charlotte | NC |
Julia | Halligan | Charlotte | NC |
Sarah | Halso | Charlotte | NC |
Azusa | Hamada | Charlotte | NC |
Johnathan | Hamada | Charlotte | NC |
Gabriela | Hamilton | Charlotte | NC |
Rhiann | Hamilton | Charlotte | NC |
Elizabeth | Hammers | Charlotte | NC |
Asmae | Hamour | Pineville | NC |
Colin | Hamp | Charlotte | NC |
Nilah | Hampton | Charlotte | NC |
Charlie | Han | Cornelius | NC |
Ashlie | Hanke | Charlotte | NC |
Jayla | Hansen | Charlotte | NC |
Chinenye | Harbor | Charlotte | NC |
Audrey | Harper | Huntersville | NC |
Benjamin | Harris | Indian Trail | NC |
Jakada | Harris | Rock Hill | SC |
Mayan | Harris | Antioch | TN |
Tobore | Harris | Charlotte | NC |
Kathleen | Hart | Charlotte | NC |
Kylie | Hart | Indian Trail | NC |
Heather | Hartis | Mint Hill | NC |
Jesse | Hartley | Charlotte | NC |
Olive | Haselton | Charlotte | NC |
Karam | Hassan | Charlotte | NC |
Olivia | Hatcher | Charlotte | NC |
Max | Hauser | Fuquay Varina | NC |
Kiera | Haviland-Phillips | Concord | NC |
Hannah | Hawkins | Denver | NC |
Krystal | Hayde | Charlotte | NC |
Zion | Haynes | Charlotte | NC |
Joseph | Hegenbart | Charlotte | NC |
Calum | Held | Mooresville | NC |
Jani | Hendon | Charlotte | NC |
Kianndra | Heredia | Charlotte | NC |
Fouad | Heritch | Charlotte | NC |
Diego | Hernandez | Charlotte | NC |
Krystal | Hernandez | Indian Trail | NC |
Lesly | Hernandez | Belmont | NC |
Frances | Hernandez Del Rio | charlotte | NC |
Alex | Hernandez Guzman | Charlotte | NC |
Jenifer | Hernandez Mendez | Charlotte | NC |
Maria | Hernandez-Alvarez | Monroe | NC |
Daniel | Herson | Charlotte | NC |
Silvio | Hidalgo-Azucey | Denver | NC |
Adam | Hill | Waxhaw | NC |
Cecelia | Hill | Mooresville | NC |
David | Hill | Waxhaw | NC |
Jericka | Hinton | Charlotte | NC |
Wai Ki | Ho | Charlotte | NC |
Daniel | Hockaday | Midlothian | VA |
Lily | Hoffman | Charlotte | NC |
Kendall | Hokes | Charlotte | NC |
Kiyah | Holmes | Charlotte | NC |
Jacob | Holt | Conover | NC |
Morgan | Hope | Cornelius | NC |
Charles | Hopkins | Matthews | NC |
Savannah | Houser | Lincolnton | NC |
Tad | Houston | Cornelius | NC |
Hannah | Hubbard | Charlotte | NC |
Kyla | Hudson | Charlotte | NC |
Marley | Huffman | Charlotte | NC |
Samuel | Hufnagl | Huntersville | NC |
Carley | Hughey | Crouse | NC |
Makayla | Hull | Charlotte | NC |
Sneha | Humagain | Charlotte | NC |
Ervyn | Huneycutt | Huntersville | NC |
Andrew | Hunter | Huntersville | NC |
Jazmine | Hunter | Charlotte | NC |
Samuel | Hunter | Charlotte | NC |
Sana | Hussain | Charlotte | NC |
Harris | Huynh | Huntersville | NC |
Elizabeth | Hyatt | Charlotte | NC |
Dastan | Ibraimov | Charlotte | NC |
Winifred | Idaewor | Raleigh | NC |
Mark | Iglesias | Mint Hill | NC |
Joseph | Ignacio | Charlotte | NC |
Stephany | Ignacio | Charlotte | NC |
Amarachi | Ihekaire | Charlotte | NC |
Munachiso | Iloh | Charlotte | NC |
Silas | Irizarry | Charlotte | NC |
Xenia | Ivanoglo | Charlotte | NC |
Daria | Ivanova | Charlotte | NC |
Stephany | Jacobo | Charlotte | NC |
Elizabeth | James | Charlotte | NC |
Ezekiah | James | Charlotte | NC |
Sofia | Janowicz | Charlotte | NC |
Valeria | Jara Nunez | Indian Trail | NC |
Deana | Jaramillo | Matthews | NC |
Sullivan | Jareo | Matthews | NC |
Adison | Jenkins | Charlotte | NC |
Hwisan | Jeong | Weddington | NC |
Mingyeong | Jeong | Monroe | NC |
Tristen | Jeter | Charlotte | NC |
Alyssa | Jewell | Hampstead | NC |
Michelle | Jhonson | Charlotte | NC |
Roxana | Jimenez Alejo | Charlotte | NC |
Destiny | Johnson | Charlotte | NC |
Kristen | Johnson | Mooresville | NC |
Milan | Johnson | Charlotte | NC |
Adryen | Johnston | Charlotte | NC |
Cortney | Jones | Charlotte | NC |
Thomas | Jones | Cornelius | NC |
Vejon | Jones | Indian Trail | NC |
Quinn | Jooss | Charlotte | NC |
Kelsey | Jordan | Monroe | NC |
Kendal | Jordan | Mooresville | NC |
Paul | Jordan | Charlotte | NC |
William | Joyner | Midland | NC |
Andrea | Juarez-Guerrero | Midland | NC |
Srikar | Kalagara | Charlotte | NC |
Khushi | Kalariya | Charlotte | NC |
Anakin | Kaminsky | Concord | NC |
Arianna | Karbassian | Charlotte | NC |
Siddharth | Karthikeyan | Charlotte | NC |
James | Karwowski-Mulready | Huntersville | NC |
Cloud | Kashi | Charlotte | NC |
Sobagya | Kashyap | Charlotte | NC |
Nessaim | Kassymova | Charlotte | NC |
Taeary | Kaun | Hickory | NC |
Lijie | Ke | Charlotte | NC |
Desiree | Kelley | Ocean Isle Beach | NC |
Mary | Kelly | Waxhaw | NC |
Terrianna | Kelly-Cowins | Charlotte | NC |
James | Kendrick | Hickory | NC |
Ashley | Keselburg | Harrisburg | NC |
Ryaan | Khan | Greensboro | NC |
Zain | Khan | Matthews | NC |
Ali | Khelfa | Harrisburg | NC |
Nessi | Kibret | Charlotte | NC |
Lidya | Kidane | Charlotte | NC |
Justin | Kim | Midland | NC |
Destiny | Kimbrough | Charlotte | NC |
Justin | Kimmes | Superior | WI |
Jasmine | King | Mint Hill | NC |
Alyssa | Kiser | Kannapolis | NC |
Beauregard | Kleve | Indian Trail | NC |
Amelia | Knab | Huntersville | NC |
Anastasiia | Kochegarova | Charlotte | NC |
Barbora | Kopecka | Mooresville | NC |
Anna | Korotkova | Rock Hill | SC |
Jacob | Kosinovsky | Charlotte | NC |
Taisa | Kosovan | Matthews | NC |
Jeffrey | Kromer | Charlotte | NC |
Saalih | Kulatein | Charlotte | NC |
Adelaide | Kuzma | Lincolnton | NC |
Jessica | Kypena | Monroe | NC |
Miguel | Labarca | Gastonia | NC |
Ariel | Ladson | Charlotte | NC |
Jasmine | Laing | Charlotte | NC |
Marguerite | Lamorey | Charlotte | NC |
Jesse | Land | Cherryville | NC |
Nicholas | Lander | Lancaster | SC |
Carly | Landin | West Columbia | SC |
Ella | Landman | Charlotte | NC |
Charlotte | Lanning | Charlotte | NC |
Zoe | Lantigua | Charlotte | NC |
Madeline | Lantz | Charlotte | NC |
Caroline | Largen | Charlotte | NC |
Mariana | Laris Lopez | Charlotte | NC |
Ricky | Larkin | Charlotte | NC |
Hannah | Laudert | Huntersville | NC |
Jacob | Lavergne | Charlotte | NC |
Annabelle | Lawson | Charlotte | NC |
Brian | Lazo | Charlotte | NC |
Maximilian | Le | Charlotte | NC |
Uyen | Le | Rock Hill | SC |
Nia | Leader | Huntersville | NC |
Noah | Ledet | Indian Trail | NC |
Thomas | Lee | Monroe | NC |
Kevin | Leon Aguilera | Charlotte | NC |
Lance | Lepcio | Moseley | VA |
Havona | Lesane | Charlotte | NC |
Alina | Leshchuk | Waxhaw | NC |
Lydia | Lesuer | Waxhaw | NC |
Maleah | Letcavage | Gastonia | NC |
Daniel | Leugers | Indian Trail | NC |
Baijhan | Leverette-Robinson | Charlotte | NC |
Jaheva | Lewis | Charlotte | NC |
Jayden | Lewis | Huntersville | NC |
Saskia | Lewis | Cornelius | NC |
Sophia | Lewis | Huntersville | NC |
Vincent | Li | Charlotte | NC |
David | Lian | Charlotte | NC |
Sofia | Limache Madrid | Charlotte | NC |
Sara | Limouri | Charlotte | NC |
Kelly | Lineberger | Indian Trail | NC |
Tanner | Lineberger | Lincolnton | NC |
Jazzlyn | Lino | Charlotte | NC |
Ethan | Litt | Charlotte | NC |
Kyle | Llontop | Charlotte | NC |
Emily | Lloyd | Charlotte | NC |
Steven | Long | Denver | NC |
Gage | Lookabill | Wadesboro | NC |
Justin | Lopez | Charlotte | NC |
Rosa | Lopez Vargas | Concord | NC |
Connor | Lopresto | Charlotte | NC |
Adrienne | Love | Charlotte | NC |
Marian | Lozano | Waxhaw | NC |
Andrey | Lozovoy | Monroe | NC |
Jonathan | Lu | Charlotte | NC |
Barke | Lugembe | Fortmill | SC |
Akiko | Lumpkins | Charlotte | NC |
Thomas | Luong | Charlotte | NC |
Alissa | MacEdo | Charlotte | NC |
Caden | MacEdo | Charlotte | NC |
Raissa | Macias | Charlotte | NC |
Eduardo | MacIel | Charlotte | NC |
Silas | MacKins | Charlotte | NC |
Nia | MacQueen | Charlotte | NC |
Benedita | MacUmbi | Charlotte | NC |
Gianne | Madrigal | Matthews | NC |
Raage | Magan | Charlotte | NC |
Chandana Priya | Magavath | Charlotte | NC |
Fatima | Mahmood | Charlotte | NC |
Swarnim | Maid | Charlotte | NC |
Amit | Mainali | Huntersville | NC |
Yvette | Maitre | Charlotte | NC |
Sophia | Major | Waxhaw | NC |
Felix | Makori | Charlotte | NC |
Aryna | Makovich | Monroe | NC |
Kennedy | Makuch | Matthews | NC |
Tahlia | Malachi | Charlotte | NC |
Jenifer | Maldonado | Charlotte | NC |
Nelson | Maldonado Juarez | Huntersville | NC |
Zeily | Maldonado Padilla | Charlotte | NC |
Tabatta | Maldonado Salazar | Charlotte | NC |
Saad | Malik | waxhaw | NC |
Diana | Mamedova | Pineville | NC |
Saron | Mamo | Charlotte | NC |
Bradyn | Mander | Cornelius | NC |
Christopher | Mangum | Matthews | NC |
Mariia | Manilenko | Indian Trail | NC |
Sophia | Manning | Mint Hill | NC |
Diana | Manzanilla | Charlotte | NC |
Prashasth | Marampudi | Belmont | NC |
Daniella | Mariano | Charlotte | NC |
Kylie | Marlow | Charlotte | NC |
Cristian | Marroquin Argueta | Spencer | NC |
Makayla | Martin | Charlotte | NC |
Megan | Martin | Charlotte | NC |
Celine | Martinez | Charlotte | NC |
Christian | Martinez | Mint Hill | NC |
John | Martinez | Charlotte | NC |
Madison | Martinez | Charlotte | NC |
Martha | Martinez | Charlotte | NC |
Paula | Martinez | Charlotte | NC |
Sharon | Martinez | Charlotte | NC |
Natali | Martinez Gessoli | Matthews | NC |
Nayelli | Martinez-Martinez | Charlotte | NC |
Rosalinda | Martinez-Mora | Reaford | NC |
Nathalia | Martinez-Quiterio | Charlotte | NC |
Alexa | Massenburg | Pineville | NC |
Savannah | Massey | Huntersville | NC |
Carly | Massimino | Indian Trail | NC |
Stacey Kay | Matias | Matthews | NC |
Jesse | Matone | Chula Vista | CA |
Nicholas | Matthews | Brownsburg | IN |
Matthew | Mauro | Charlotte | NC |
Isaiah | Mauzoul | Hempstead | NY |
Jarred | Mayse | Indian Trail | NC |
Chloe | Mbongo | Charlotte | NC |
Kaine | McAlister | Charlotte | NC |
Candisse | McBroom | Waynesville | NC |
Connor | McCaslin | Snohomish | WA |
Hannah | McClain | Mint Hill | NC |
Jamie | McDevitt | Cameron | NC |
Max | McDowell | Asheville | NC |
Summer | McDowell | Charlotte | NC |
Emma | McGaha | charlotte | NC |
Tucker | McIntyre | Shelby | NC |
Justice | McKeever | Charlotte | NC |
Alexander | McKinley | Waxhaw | NC |
Joseph | McKinney | Middletown | OH |
Raegan | McKnight | Charlotte | NC |
Summer | McKnight | Charlotte | NC |
Rachel | McLemore | Charlotte | NC |
Jasmin | McMillan | Charlotte | NC |
Kindhasy | McMillian | Charlotte | NC |
Shannon | McNulty | Waxhaw | NC |
Ava | McRae | Charlotte | NC |
Cameron | McRorie | Mooresville | NC |
Emnet | Measho | Mint Hill | NC |
Brandon | Megale-Flynn | Huntersville | NC |
Dana | Mejia | Concord | NC |
Jeffry | Mejia | Charlotte | NC |
Oscar | Mejia | Charlotte | NC |
Kiara | Melendez Colon | Charlotte | NC |
Kyle | Mello | Apex | NC |
Alina | Melnikova | Charlotte | NC |
Isaac | Melton | Davidson | NC |
Jasson | Mendez | Kannapolis | NC |
Tiffany | Mendoza Casaleno | Charlotte | NC |
Gabriella | Menendez | Mint Hill | NC |
Yonas | Mengesteab | Matthews | NC |
Jody | Mentor | Charlotte | NC |
Jacqueline | Merino Alfaro | Charlotte | NC |
Camron | Meritt | Ankeny | IA |
Denali | Miao | Charlotte | NC |
Aubre | Miller | Charlotte | NC |
Finn | Miller | Charlotte | NC |
Hannah | Miller | Charlotte | NC |
Lucas | Miller | Indian Trail | NC |
Sean | Miller | Indian Trial | NC |
Samir | Minaya Paulino | Charlotte | NC |
Jaida | Mistry | Stanley | NC |
Ana | Mitchell | Charlotte | NC |
Karen | Mittler | Mount Holly | NC |
Nandar | Moe | Charlotte | NC |
Michael | Mohler | Midland | NC |
Tatyana | Mojica | Pineville | NC |
Brandi | Montgomery | Charlotte | NC |
Mary | Montgomery | Matthews | NC |
Robert | Montgomery | Charlotte | NC |
Zahria | Montgomery | Charlotte | NC |
Jada | Mood | Charlotte | NC |
Jaundra | Moore | Charlotte | NC |
Kayla | Moore | Charlotte | NC |
Kimberly | Morado Ledesma | Charlotte | NC |
Anabella | Morales | Denver | NC |
Rebecca | Morales Garcia | Kannapolis | NC |
Damian | Morrison | Huntersville | NC |
Michelle | Moscardini | Salisbury | NC |
Laura | Moser | Waxhaw | NC |
Anastasiia | Moskalenko | Charlotte | NC |
Oksana | Moskalenko | Charlotte | NC |
Laurine | Mossot | Charlotte | NC |
Rohan | Movva | Matthews | NC |
Tatyana | Mpoto | Indian Trail | NC |
Mung | Muan | Charlotte | NC |
India | Muhammad | Charlotte | NC |
Joel | Muir | Mint Hill | NC |
Lindsey | Mullis | Matthews | NC |
Alexis | Munger | Kannapolis | NC |
Juan | Murillo | Charlotte | NC |
Josue | Murillo Vargas | Pineville | NC |
Jack | Murphy | Denver | NC |
Jennifer | Murray | Belmont | NC |
Kingsley | Murray | Charlotte | NC |
Crystal | Mwale | Concord | NC |
Rafiza | Naeem | Charlotte | NC |
Anisha | Nagarkoti | Charlotte | NC |
Anna | Najaka | Matthews | NC |
Taylor | Naranjo | Huntersville | NC |
Ashton | Nault | Gastonia | NC |
Lourdes | Navarrete | Charlotte | NC |
Y | Nay | Charlotte | NC |
Sheila | Neal | Charlotte | NC |
Andrew | Nebrig | Charlotte | NC |
Brayden | Neese | Charlotte | NC |
Adriana | Negrette Castillo | Huntersville | NC |
Senay | Negusse | Charlotte | NC |
Brandon | Nelson | Charlotte | NC |
Christal | Neptune | Charlotte | NC |
Caleb | Nesbitt | Mount Holly | NC |
Khanh | Ngo | Matthews | NC |
Abigail | Ngure | Charlotte | NC |
Sapphire | Nguyen | Charlotte | NC |
Dillon | Nguyen | Charlotte | NC |
Jessica | Nguyen | Huntersville | NC |
Selena | Nguyen | Charlotte | NC |
Thomas | Nguyen | Waxhaw | NC |
Tran Bao Ngoc | Nguyen | Huntersville | NC |
Xuan | Nguyen | Charlotte | NC |
Calvin | Nichols | Davidson | NC |
Peter | Nicola | Waxhaw | NC |
Sanvi | Nijampurkar | Indian Trail | NC |
Dmitrii | Nikiforov | Cornelius | NC |
Mariia | Nikiforova | Huntersville | NC |
Anastasiya | Nikitina | Matthews | NC |
Dunne | Nobleta | Waxhaw | NC |
Carter | Noel | Huntersville | NC |
Shay | Noone | Mooresville | NC |
Erika | Nop | Charlotte | NC |
Maximillian | Novick | Charlotte | NC |
Sarah | Null | Richfield | NC |
Delmy | Nunez Hernandez | Charlotte | NC |
Vyanka | Nunez Reyes | Charlotte | NC |
Emily | Nunez-Rodriguez | Charlotte | NC |
Stephanie | Nyambura | Harrisburg | NC |
Kristi | Odom | Charlotte | NC |
Kelly | Ogden | Charlotte | NC |
Payton | Oliver | Indian Trail | NC |
Jessica | Oloarte Daniel | Monroe | NC |
Tyler | Omoletski | Waxhaw | NC |
Catherine | O'Neill | Charlotte | NC |
Thomas | Oneto | Monroe | NC |
Sergio | Ordonez | Charlotte | NC |
Leticia | Ortiz | Charlotte | NC |
Kermit | Ortiz Comas | Charlotte | NC |
Olivia | Osha | Huntersville | NC |
Mary | O'Shields | Matthews | NC |
Greys | Osorio Zamora | Charlotte | NC |
Trinity | Owusu | Charlotte | NC |
Momoko | Ozaki | Waxhaw | NC |
Austin | Pachick | Huntersville | NC |
Jose | Padilla | Charlotte | NC |
Jordan | Page | DAVIDSON | NC |
Michael | Page | Charlotte | NC |
Crystal | Pamacheche | Charlotte | NC |
Ashtyn | Parker | Maiden | NC |
Micah | Parker | Charlotte | NC |
Deasia | Parks | Charlotte | NC |
Carolyn | Parrington | Charlotte | NC |
Krish | Patel | Concord | NC |
Earl | Patterson | Charlotte | NC |
Amy | Pelihati | Indian Trail | NC |
Margaret | Pell | Huntersville | NC |
Isabella | Pellom Delucca | Monroe | NC |
Hayden | Pendleton | Inverness | FL |
John | Pendleton | Monroe | NC |
Matteo | Pepper | Charlotte | NC |
Girssi | Perez | Charlotte | NC |
Jordan | Perez | Charlotte | NC |
Kirsten | Perez | Harrisburg | NC |
Marissa | Perez | Charlotte | NC |
Miguel | Perez Barco | Mint Hill | NC |
Carlos | Perez Cardoza | Charlotte | NC |
Marcos | Perez Cruz | Gastonia | NC |
Bryanna | Perez Hernandez | Concord | NC |
Vanesa | Perez Lopez | Lincolnton | NC |
Melissa | Perez-Hernandez | Charlotte | NC |
Emily | Perhacs | Charlotte | NC |
Jada | Perry | Lowell | NC |
Evan | Peters | Youngwood | PA |
Gabrielle | Peterson | Huntersville | NC |
Nickolas | Petterson | Charlotte | NC |
Virginia | Phannareth | Minthill | NC |
Isaiah | Phifer | Belmont | NC |
Faith | Phillips | Charlotte | NC |
Ly Ly | Phung | Charlotte | NC |
Madison | Pietruszka | Huntersville | NC |
Selah | Pike | Charlotte | NC |
Sanjit | Pilli | Charlotte | NC |
Chloe | Pinter | Charlotte | NC |
Abigail | Pittmon | Kannapolis | NC |
Katelyn | Platt | Gastonia | NC |
Richell | Polo Sanchez | Concord | NC |
Stephanie | Pons | Charlotte | NC |
Emil | Popa | Charlotte | NC |
Jodi | Potts | Matthews | NC |
Zoe | Potts | Monroe | NC |
Olivia | Poulter | Matthews | NC |
Daniel | Powell | Monroe | NC |
Madison | Powell | Waxhaw | NC |
Kaytlyn | Price | Rock Hill | SC |
Robert | Price | Matthews | NC |
Natalia | Prudencio | Charlotte | NC |
Logan | Purdy | Charlotte | NC |
Aarati | Puri | Charlotte | NC |
Ajae | Purnell | Charlotte | NC |
Aubrey | Py | Indian Trail | NC |
Richard | Quintanilla | Charlotte | NC |
Denisse | Quirazco Duran | Charlotte | NC |
Madeline | Ragalie | Waxhaw | NC |
Miracle | Rainey-Martin | Matthews | NC |
Lucas | Ramirez | Charlotte | NC |
Michelle | Ramirez | Monroe | NC |
Bryan | Ramirez-Sanchez | Indian Trail | NC |
Christopher | Ramos | Charlotte | NC |
Yaima | Ramos | Charlotte | NC |
Ximena | Ramos Saenz | Charlotte | NC |
Connor | Ramsey | Huntersville | NC |
Elianna | Ramsey | Indian Trail | NC |
Tessa | Rappaport | Charlotte | NC |
Srajan | Rastogi | Charlotte | NC |
Jordan | Ravelo | Charlotte | NC |
Alisia | Rea | Charlotte | NC |
Mars | Reckard | Midland | NC |
Anoop | Reddy | Charlotte | NC |
Zoey | Reder | Waxhaw | NC |
Faith | Rees | Matthews | NC |
Braden | Rehbock | Mooresville | NC |
Allison | Reid | Charlotte | NC |
Claudia | Richards | Charlotte | NC |
Melissa | Riehn | Charlotte | NC |
Hannah | Rimer | Monroe | NC |
Daniel | Ritchie | Landis | NC |
Colton | Roberts | Mooresville | NC |
Gideon | Robinson | Charlotte | NC |
Matthew | Robinson | Charlotte | NC |
Kaitlyn | Roca | Matthews | NC |
Kirsten | Roca | Matthews | NC |
Esteban | Roca Moreno | Charlotte | NC |
Taylor | Rockefeller | Denton | NC |
Joao | Rodrigues | Charlotte | NC |
Anthony | Rodriguez | Charlotte | NC |
Jocelyn | Rodriguez | Charlotte | NC |
Luis | Rodriguez Torres | Charlotte | NC |
Jacqueline | Rodriguez-Nino | Charlotte | NC |
Cecelia | Rogers | Denver | NC |
Julio | Rojas | Huntersville | NC |
Kevin | Rojas Aguiar | Matthews | NC |
Christian | Rojas Diaz | Charlotte | NC |
William | Rolack | Charlotte | NC |
Jonathan | Rollin | Cornelius | NC |
Ethan | Rollins | Charlotte | NC |
Jordy | Romero | Charlotte | NC |
Christopher | Romero Rivas | Charlotte | NC |
Zachary | Roncace | Indian Trail | NC |
Rianne | Ronquillo | Monroe | NC |
Jennifer | Rosado | Charlotte | NC |
Josselyn | Rosales | Charlotte | NC |
Alexander | Rosario | Charlottw | NC |
Michelle | Rosenfeld | Pineville | NC |
Matthew | Routley | Muskegon | MI |
Jacklien | Rubalcava | Charlotte | NC |
Natalie | Ruiz | charlotte | NC |
Olivia | Rummel | Charlotte | NC |
Sarah | Saad | Huntersville | NC |
Sara | Sadrnia | Charlotte | NC |
Abdullai | Saiba | Charlotte | NC |
Vivian | Saied | Huntersville | NC |
Nishita | Saini | Matthews | NC |
Amelie | Salahie | Huntersville | NC |
Zara | Salahie | Huntersville | NC |
Zakhar | Salash | Matthews | NC |
Yahir | Salazar | Charlotte | NC |
Valeria | Salazar Vasquez | CHARLOTTE | NC |
Sami | Salih | Charlotte | NC |
Anayah | Sam | Charlotte | NC |
Ariana | Samaniego | Charlotte | NC |
Michael | Samora | Charlotte | NC |
Jerica | Sampson | Concord | NC |
Amanda | Sanchez | Charlotte | NC |
Juliza | Sanchez Alvarado | Charlotte | NC |
Christopher | Sanchez Ceballos | Concord | NC |
Amy | Sanders | Charlotte | NC |
Cesar | Sandiford | Clover | SC |
Keondre | Sans | Charlotte | NC |
Mariah | Santiago | Charlotte | NC |
Marissa | Santiago | Charlotte | NC |
Alex | Santiago-Resendiz | Charlotte | NC |
Abdur Rehman | Saqib | Charlotte | NC |
Amanda | Saravia | Charlotte | NC |
Sofiya | Sari | Charlotte | NC |
Mary | Sarmir | Kannapolis | NC |
Raghad | Sarmiti | Harrisburg | NC |
Tala | Sarmiti | Harrisburg | NC |
Latasha | Savage | Salisbury | NC |
Daniel | Savelyev | Matthews | NC |
Honora-Victoria | Scaduto | Charlotte | NC |
John | Scarlett | Matthews | NC |
Jamison | Schaffer | Matthews | NC |
Allison | Schenkweiler | Charlotte | NC |
Victoria | Schild | Matthews | NC |
Elijah | Schill | Matthews | NC |
Julia | Schlachter | Charlotte | NC |
Macy | Schmeits | Indian Trail | NC |
Tallulah | Scippo | Charlotte | NC |
Aden | Scott | Mint Hill | NC |
Nathaniel | Seckman | Concord | NC |
Hugh | Secor | Charlotte | NC |
Martanelly | Segura Elizondo | Charlotte | NC |
Evelin | Senin | Concord | NC |
Landon | Sergeant | Monroe | NC |
Het | Shah | Charlotte | NC |
Calista | Sharafinski | Huntersville | NC |
Ava | Sheppard | Charlotte | NC |
Svetlana | Shon | Charlotte | NC |
Pramita | Shrestha | Charlotte | NC |
Garrett | Shuttlesworth | Crosby | TX |
Aymen | Siddique | Charlotte | NC |
Veronica | Silva Romero | Charlotte | NC |
Amari | Simms | Charlotte | NC |
Savannah | Sineath | Monroe | NC |
Armaan | Singh | Charlotte | NC |
Currin | Singla | Charlotte | NC |
Alanna | Siqueira | Charlotte | NC |
Thad | Slack | Greensboro | NC |
Wilson | Slusher | Asheville | NC |
Kyla | Smit | Charlotte | NC |
Brady | Smith | Charlotte | NC |
Cameron | Smith | Concord | NC |
Eliana | Smith | Waxhaw | NC |
Ethan | Smith | Charlotte | NC |
La'porscha | Smith | Charlotte | NC |
Rachel | Smith | Midland | NC |
Kelly | Snyder | Huntersville | NC |
Taylor | Socha | Mooresville | NC |
Stephanie | Solorzano | Indian Trail | NC |
Joseph | Sommers | Huntersville | NC |
Madeline | Sonner | Charlotte | NC |
Jearitsy | Sorto | Charlotte | NC |
Celeste | Sosa | Mooresville | NC |
Kevin | Sosa-Guzman | Charlotte | NC |
Eduardo | Soto-Rivera | Charlotte | NC |
Peter | Soucek | Charlotte | NC |
Fatoumata | Soumare | Matthews | NC |
Brenda Sayonara | Souza Oliveira | Charlotte | NC |
Alessandra | Spinelli | Charlotte | NC |
Cameron | Springhetti | Huntersville | NC |
Adam | St. Amand | Charlotte | NC |
Elizabeth | Stabler-Tarver | Charlotte | NC |
Zoe | Stair | Matthews | NC |
Kateryna | Stanislavuk | Charlotte | NC |
Nyx | Stark | Mint Hill | NC |
Emilia | Stasik | Indian Trail | NC |
Kennedi | Staten | Charlotte | NC |
Leigh | Staten | Charlotte | NC |
Zachary | Stecker | Indian Trail | NC |
Brenden | Steere | Charlotte | NC |
Simon L | Steffl | Grand Forks | ND |
Skyler | Stevens | Charlotte | NC |
Lacey | Stith | Huntersville | NC |
Kyle | Stocks | Oak Creek | WI |
Jonas | Stone | Charlotte | NC |
Brielle | Stone | Charlotte | NC |
Allyson | Story | Matthews | NC |
Taylor | Strain | Charlotte | NC |
Dagnie | Sturdahl | Charlotte | NC |
Adrian | Sturdivant | Wadesboro | NC |
Willow | Styron | Charlotte | NC |
Alexis | Suarez Lopez | Charlotte | NC |
Yadira | Suazo | Charlotte | NC |
Nobin | Subba | Matthews | NC |
Niyathi | Sulkunte | Charlotte | NC |
Samay | Suratwala | Charlotte | NC |
William | Swanger | indian trail | NC |
Misham | Syed | Charlotte | NC |
Sophia | Szymura | Charlotte | NC |
Chengyan | Tan | Charlotte | NC |
Liping | Tan | Charlotte | NC |
Alondra | Tapia-Carrera | Charlotte | NC |
Kristopher | Tarpley | South Lyon | MI |
Jeffrey | Taylor | Kings Mountain | NC |
Peyton | Taylor | Concord | NC |
Anna | Teachey | Mint Hill | NC |
Jake | Teifer | Matthews | NC |
Maramawit | Teketel | Charlotte | NC |
Jacob | Tepper | Indian Trail | NC |
James | Terjesen | Charlotte | NC |
Robbie | Terrebonne | Charlotte | NC |
L-Tsebaoht | Tesema | Charlotte | NC |
Hermon | Teshome | Charlotte | NC |
Asmita | Thapa | Charlotte | NC |
Bawi | Thawng | Charlotte | NC |
Harsha | Thayyil | Charlotte | NC |
Yin | Theint | Charlotte | NC |
Kobi | Thompson | Matthews | NC |
Lillian | Threatt | Charlotte | NC |
Erin | Tinkler | Davidson | NC |
Nicholas | Tiplea | Monroe | NC |
Nicolas | Tobar Garces | Concord | NC |
Jackson | Todd | Mooresville | NC |
America | Torres | Charlotte | NC |
Lesley | Torres Ramirez | Huntersville | NC |
Bria | Townsend | Waxhaw | NC |
Hoai | Tran | Charlotte | NC |
Destiny | Trantham | Mint Hill | NC |
Dylan | Trask | Waxhaw | NC |
Hailey | Trautman | Southmont | NC |
Anna | Travis | Gastonia | NC |
Sherlyn | Trejo Garcia | Charlotte | NC |
Dawson | Trieu | Pineville | NC |
Uyen | Trinh | Concord | NC |
Owen | Triplett | Charlotte | NC |
Nakesha | Truesdale | Charlotte | NC |
Lillian | Truitt | Charlotte | NC |
Alexandra | Trujillo | Charlotte | NC |
Giana | Tucciarone | Huntersville | NC |
Leylah | Turell | Charlotte | NC |
Ece | Turksonmez | Charlotte | NC |
Ryan | Tweddle | Waxhaw | NC |
Dina | Tyo | Charlotte | NC |
Hunter | Ueberroth | Charlotte | NC |
Ikumi | Uemura | Charlotte | NC |
Ximena | Ugale | Charlotte | NC |
Sydney | Uhlir | Charlotte | NC |
Kayla | Unell | Denver | NC |
Elizabeth | Urban | Charlotte | NC |
Sarah | Uzl | Mooresville | NC |
Deisi | Valdez | Charlotte | NC |
Sophia | Valerio | Huntersville | NC |
Caleb | Valliere | Huntersville | NC |
Cameron | Van Rooyen | Huntersville | NC |
Lizeth | Vasquez | Charlotte | NC |
Jomar | Vasquez-Vigil | Charlotte | NC |
Nelson | Velasquez | Charlotte | NC |
Karen | Ventura | Concord | NC |
Patience | Ventura | Davidson | NC |
Harshita | Verma | Huntersville | NC |
John | Vickers | Huntersville | NC |
Aleah | Viel | Charlotte | NC |
Wanderley | Vilarinho Bernardes | Waxhaw | NC |
Sebastian | Villacres | Charlotte | NC |
Katie | Vingle | Concord | NC |
Christopher | Vlack | West Coxsackie | NY |
Justin | Vo | Charlotte | NC |
Thanh | Vo | Fort Mill | SC |
Thomas | Vue | Morganton | NC |
Ken | Wabibi | Charlotte | NC |
Virginia | Waddell | Gastonia | NC |
Megan | Wadsworth | Matthews | NC |
Wayman | Waide | Charlotte | NC |
Erin | Waldron | Charlotte | NC |
Wisdom | Walker | Waterport | NC |
Yiye | Wang | Charlotte | NC |
Dory | Ward | Charlotte | NC |
Kellysha | Warner | Concord | NC |
Chelsea | Waters | Charlotte | NC |
Desiree | Watley | Charlotte | NC |
Troy | Watson | Matthews | NC |
William | Watson | Kannapolis | NC |
Traci | Wayne | Gastonia | NC |
April | Weaver | Charlotte | NC |
Garrett | Weaver | Charlotte | NC |
Grace | Weaver | Charlotte | NC |
Weerasinghe | Weerasinghe | Charlotte | NC |
Ishan | Weerasinghe Mudiyanselage | Charlotte | NC |
Quintin | Wellington | Charlotte | NC |
Christopher | Welter | Charlotte | NC |
Olivia | Westbrook | Mint Hill | NC |
Jacob | Wheatley | Huntersville | NC |
Allison | White | Newton | NC |
Antreese | White | Charlotte | NC |
Sena | White | Charlotte | NC |
Kaeley | Whitlock | Lilesville | NC |
Jewelle | Whitlow | Charlotte | NC |
Nadia | Wiggins | Charlotte | NC |
Peyton | Wiley | Indian Trail | NC |
Destiny | Williams | Charlotte | NC |
Felix | Williams | Matthews | NC |
Takeira | Williams | Charlotte | NC |
Taylor | Williams | Charlotte | NC |
Dzhae | Williford | Charlotte | NC |
Monet | Wilson | Charlotte | NC |
Nicholas | Wind-Mcjetters | Charlotte | NC |
Jonathan | Winfield | Concord | NC |
Norah | Winogrodzki | Naples | NC |
Kenna | Winslow | Waxhaw | NC |
Gianna | Wintering | Rock Hill | SC |
Valerie | Wirz | Charlotte | NC |
Camille | Witmore | Charlotte | NC |
Cullen | Woods | Huntersville | NC |
Kara | Wooten | Matthews | NC |
Kevin | Workman | Statesville | NC |
Kierra | Wray | Charlotte | NC |
Shatawni | Wright | Charlotte | NC |
Shaidajai | Wureh | Mount Holly | NC |
Marley | Wylie | Charlotte | NC |
Bethany | Xiques | Monroe | NC |
Isaac | Xu | Charlotte | NC |
Andrew | Yang | Charlotte | NC |
Vivian | Yanzu | Charlotte | NC |
Paola | Yepez Garcia | Monroe | NC |
Chepzibah | Yisrael | Charlotte | NC |
Kaitlyn | Yu | Charlotte | NC |
Daria | Yushchenko | Charlotte | NC |
Nikolay | Zadorozhniy | Charlotte | NC |
Zuzanna | Zakowicz | Charlotte | NC |
Wilson | Zelch | Matthews | NC |
Tiffang | Zheng | Charlotte | NC |
Jillian | Zielke | Charlotte | NC |
Annaleise | Zinck | Camp Lejeune | NC |
John | Zoler | Charlotte | NC |
Joshua | Zschocher | Charlotte | NC |
Jasmine | Zuniga | Charlotte | NC |
Summer 2024
First Name | Last Name | City | State |
Bethany | Adams | Charlotte | NC |
Pranav | Agrawala | Charlotte | NC |
Kristina | Ahmed | Gastonia | NC |
Hebron | Alemu | Charlotte | NC |
Mercedes | Anaya | Charlotte | NC |
Nicholas | Avila | Mint Hill | NC |
Nandansai | Avulapati | Charlotte | NC |
Daniil | Babitskii | Charlotte | NC |
Jessica | Bare | Huntersville | NC |
Justin | Baxley | Charlotte | NC |
Trevion | Beck | Matthews | NC |
Rayna | Berry | Charlotte | NC |
Milena | Beuter | Charlotte | NC |
Ayush | Bhujle | Charlotte | NC |
Jasiah | Brand | Linwood | NC |
Dahiana | Bravo | Charlotte | NC |
Xenia | Breisacher | Charlotte | NC |
Madalyn | Buro | Mooresville | NC |
Renee | Byrnes | Apex | NC |
Ana | Caceres | Charlotte | NC |
Courtney | Carter | Hamlet | NC |
Zanila | Cassell | Charlotte | NC |
John | Champion | Cornelius | NC |
Edwin | Chavez | Charlotte | NC |
Daniel | Chiley | Monroe | NC |
Deshaun | Colomb | Charlotte | NC |
Sirena | Copeland | Charlotte | NC |
Mia | Delaney | Huntersville | NC |
Asher | Dover | Belmont | NC |
James | Dover | Belmont | NC |
Joseph | Engeland | Renton | WA |
Garret | Ferguson | Huntersville | NC |
Nalyssia | Francis | Charlotte | NC |
Natalia | Galvez-Bautista | Mooresville | NC |
Rhea | Ghosh | Charlotte | NC |
Nicholas | Goff | Mint Hill | NC |
Samantha | Hernandez | Charlotte | NC |
Sofie | Hopkins | Charlotte | NC |
Kyla | Hudson | Charlotte | NC |
Samuel | Hunter | Charlotte | NC |
Deana | Jaramillo | Matthews | NC |
Siddharth | Karthikeyan | Charlotte | NC |
Maya | Kazel | Charlotte | NC |
Seth | Keeney | Charlotte | NC |
Lun | Kim | Charlotte | NC |
Pavan | Kumpatla | Charlotte | NC |
Nicholas | Lander | Denver | NC |
Kyle | Llontop | Charlotte | NC |
Kim | Mai | Charlotte | NC |
Swarnim | Maid | Charlotte | NC |
Kylie | Marlow | Charlotte | NC |
Chloe | Mbongo | Charlotte | NC |
Bailey | Miller | Belmont | NC |
Terrence | Montgomery | Shelby | NC |
John | Moreno | Charlotte | NC |
Logan | Morrow | Charlotte | NC |
Kenneth | Nesmith | Charlotte | NC |
Tran Bao Ngoc | Nguyen | Huntersville | NC |
Olivia | Osha | Huntersville | NC |
Aavan | Patel | Mooresville | NC |
Yesica | Piedrahita Posada | Huntersville | NC |
Kenneth | Pridgen | Rougemont | NC |
Al | Rego | Charlotte | NC |
Keyanah | Richardson | Charlotte | NC |
Nashaly | Riera | Charlotte | NC |
Amber | Rollins | Gastonia | NC |
Dolorien | Rollins-Montgomery | Charlotte | NC |
Ryan | Rumppe | Charlotte | NC |
Anayah | Sam | Charlotte | NC |
Perpetue | Shotsha | Charlotte | NC |
Johnna | Smith | Charlotte | NC |
Nyx | Stark | Mint Hill | NC |
Harrison | Syfert | Charlotte | NC |
Natalie | Tuju | Charlotte | NC |
Charity | Walker | North Wilkesboro | NC |
Collin | Walser | Waxhaw | NC |
Noah | Weldegebriel | Charlotte | NC |
Daxell | Wells | Huntersville | NC |
Ta' Mariah | Willis | Charlotte | NC |