Online: Governor’s Emergency Education Relief (GEER) Scholarship Information Session
The Governor’s Emergency Education Relief (GEER) scholarship helps community college students impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. If you are a continuing education student in a high-demand workforce training program that will lead to a state or industry-recognized credential, you may be eligible for a GEER scholarship. Join us for the information session to learn more about the GEER scholarship.
If you have any questions, email Sheila Funderburke.
Winter Break, College Closed
No classes; all campus departments and buildings closed. The college will resume normal operations on Thursday, January 2.
In the event of an emergency, please contact College Security Services.
Faculty and staff can find future calendars in the employee intranet (login required).
Use Your Financial Aid to Buy Supplies at the Central Piedmont Campus Store
If your financial aid awards to attend Central Piedmont (excluding federal work-study) are greater than your semester charges for tuition, fees, and supplies, you may use your remaining aid to charge books and supplies at Central Piedmont bookstores to your student account no earlier than 10 days before classes start. Be sure to plan ahead and check bookstore locations and hours. The bookstore page also details the steps to order textbooks on the bookstore website.
Dates You Can Use Your Aid to Purchase Supplies at the Central Piedmont Campus Store
Spring 2025:
- January 2-31
- February 13-March 7
- March 15-April 4
- April 11-May 2
Summer 2025:
- May 9-June 6
- June 12-July 3
- July 14-31
Cosmetology Spanish Speaking
Clases de Cosmetología
Tu sueño puede convertirse en realidad — convierte tu pasión en una profesión. La cosmetología es una de las industrias de más rápido crecimiento en los Estados Unidos. El curso desarrolla conocimientos y habilidades en corte de cabello, color y diseño de cabello, seguridad y higiene, bacteriología, conocimiento de productos, administración y ventas de salones, pelucas, depilación, tinte de pestañas y cejas, manicuras y mucho más. Los estudiantes exitosos pueden canalizar su pasión por la industria de la belleza en el desarrollo de conocimientos y habilidades necesarios para obtener un título y presentarse al examen de licencia de la Junta de Artes Cosméticas del Estado de Carolina del Norte.
Horario de Sesions Informativas
Ubicación: City View Center, 1609 Alleghany Street
- 2 de enero de 2025 a las 10 a.m. hasta el mediodía
¿Cómo empiezo?
- Aplica para la Beca GEER si necesita ayuda. Comuníquese con Sheila Funderburke para obtener más información.
- asistir a una sesión informativa
- las clases comenzarán en enero de 2025
- tres (3) sesiones en total: aproximadamente un (1) año para completarse
- lunes a jueves, de 4 p.m. a 9:30 p. m. y sábado, de 9 a. m. a 3 p.m.
- $180 + honorarios por sesión
- también necesitas comprar un kit y un libro
Your dream can become a reality — turn your passion into a profession. Cosmetology is one of the fastest growing industries in the United States.
The coursework develops knowledge and skills in hair cutting, hair color and design, safety and sanitation, bacteriology, product knowledge, salon management and salesmanship, wigs, hair removal, lash and brow tinting, manicures, and much more.
Successful students are able to channel their passion for the beauty industry into developing knowledge and skills needed to earn a degree and sit for the North Carolina State Board of Cosmetic Arts Licensing Exam.
Information Session Schedule
Location: City View Center, 1609 Alleghany Street
- January 2, 2025, from 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
How Do I Get Started?
- Apply for the GEER Scholarship if assistance is needed. Contact Sheila Funderburke for more information.
- Attend an Information Session
- Classes will start January 13, 2025.
- Three (3) sessions total - approximately one (1) year to complete
- Monday - Thursday, 4-9:30 p.m. and Saturday, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
- $180 + Fees per session
- You will also need to purchase a kit and book.
Still have questions? Contact Catherine Marrow or call 704.330.4624.
Information Technology, Simulation and Game Development
Learn how our programs can start your career in information technology, broadcasting and production technology, or simulation and gaming development.
Last Day of Winter Session
Faculty and staff can find future calendars in the employee intranet.
Umentoring Program Information Session
Location: Please check back.
Are you a Central Piedmont student seeking a mentor, leadership opportunities, or a peer support system during your time as a student? The Umentoring mentoring program may be just what you are looking for!
Umentoring provides all-around mentoring and service for any student, male or female, who wants a little extra support to help you with whatever your goal is at Central Piedmont. The program is open to male and female students enrolled in for-college-credit courses. We offer comprehensive activities that promote your personal development, academic improvement, and other social and educational advancement needs to help you realize your goals.
Join us at a virtual information session to learn more about who your Umentoring mentor could be, how you're matched with a mentor, the benefits of joining, and how to apply for Umentoring.
Small Business Center Information Session
Join an Information Session to learn about the Small Business Center's free business counseling, training, and workshops designed to assist entrepreneurs and small business owners with business startup, business growth, job creation, and job retention.
The Small Business Center at Central Piedmont is a part of the North Carolina Small Business Center Network.
Transport Systems Technologies Program Information Session
Come learn about our Automotive Systems, Collision Repair and Refinishing, and Diesel and Heavy Equipment Technology programs.