Tuition Residency Requirements and State Financial Aid Procedures and Processes
I. Policy Statement
Specific requirements for establishing residency for tuition purposes and for eligibility for State financial aid are prescribed by State law. Central Piedmont adheres to these specific requirements in its determination of qualification for residency for tuition purposes. Under the laws of the State of North Carolina, to qualify for in-state residency for tuition purposes, an individual must meet all of the following conditions:
- Have established legal residence, known as domicile, in the state of North Carolina; and,
- Have maintained that domicile for at least 12 consecutive months before the beginning on an academic term; and,
- Have a residentiary presence in the State; and,
- Intend to make North Carolina a permanent home indefinitely, rather than being in North Carolina solely to attend College.
All other students are ineligible for classification as a North Carolina resident for in-state tuition purposes, will be charged out-of-state tuition, and will not be given consideration for State-sponsored financial aid unless they meet limited exceptions granted by the North Carolina General Assembly.
II. Procedures and Processes
It is important that each applicant for admission and each enrolled student know his/her residence status for tuition payment and understand the regulations governing residence status. An applicant for admission can learn more about residency and complete a residency determination at; or, they can appear in person at the Registrar's office at any Central Piedmont campus. With respect to policies that govern tuition and fee charges in the North Carolina Community College System and Central Piedmont Community College, an applicant can review North Carolina General Statute 115D-39 at
Residency determination applications are processed through the North Carolina Residency Determination Service (RDS). A helpful resource for applicants for admission with respect to residency determination is the “Residency Determination Service Guidebook (PDF)."
Students can access the Residency Determination Service to request an “Initial Consideration” for residency status in one of three ways, as enumerated by the following:
- Directly from the homepage of the Residency Determination Service website (;
- From their College for North Carolina (CFNC) account (students must be logged in) using the CFNC Applications Hub; or,
- Directly from their admissions application through links provided by Central Piedmont.
Students whose status may have changed or are required to provide additional or clarifying information are allowed to apply for “Reconsideration." The Residency Determination Service reconsideration process is for students who:
- Need to correct certain errors in the data submitted during the Residency Determination Service online interview;
- Have had a change in personal circumstances since completing their current determination;
- Did not submit the required documentation within the initial consideration deadlines; or,
- Were requested by Central Piedmont to complete a reconsideration.
III. Appeal Procedure
Students that have been denied residency status can follow an appeals procedure, known as an “Residency Determination Service Appeal." The Residency Determination Service Appeal process is for students whose circumstances have not changed but who believe their residency classification is incorrect. Students have the ability to provide additional information and documentation relating to their appeal request and participate in a face-to-face appeal hearing with the Residency Determination Service, should it be needed. All appeals are processed through the Residency Determination Service.
Related Policies
Policy 4.03 Tuition Residency Requirements and State Financial Aid