Performance Coaching Procedures

The performance coaching process is focused on building the College’s talent capacity through development and performance. Utilizing the College’s vision, mission, values, and competencies, performance coaching connects the College’s purpose and performance. The process is centered on the ongoing conversations between a supervisor and employee which focus on performance, development, and goal attainment.

I. Definitions

A. Individual Development Plan (IDP)

Individual Development Plan used to formally document and evaluate employee goal setting, development, and performance.

B. Annual Performance Coaching Time Period

In general: July 1-May 31.

C. Annual Individual Development Plan Submission Period

No later than May 31.

Performance Coaching Sessions

A meeting is held between the supervisor and the employee, usually at the beginning of a new evaluation period, whereby both parties establish the employee's goals as they relate to position responsibilities, projects, development, and/or performance standards and document these on an Individual Development Plan (IDP). At subsequent meetings, both the supervisor and employee discuss progress on the employee’s goals and objectives, refine the plan as appropriate, and discuss opportunities for continued growth and development. Prior to the end of the evaluation period, the supervisor and employee hold a Final IDP Review to document the employee’s progress on the established or refined goals and objectives on the IDP.

II. Annual Performance Coaching Regulations


All full-time employees shall establish an Individual Development Plan on an annual basis for performance coaching during the period (in general) of July 1-May 31.


Performance coaching between an employee and their supervisor shall begin upon hire. All full-time employees shall establish an Individual Development Plan within their first 6 months of employment.


Performance coaching is an ongoing process where feedback, both formal and informal, is given on a regular basis, not just at the end of the period.


Each Unit may develop their own cadence for role orientation, professional learning, and check-ins, as long as the spirit of ongoing feedback is maintained.


The Individual Development Plan will be created and maintained by Organizational Learning and Leadership Development; IDPs must be acknowledged by both the supervisor and employee.


Supervisors may use this same or similar process for part-time employees, if desired, but it is not required.


Every full-time employee is expected to devote relevant developmental hours specific to the enhancement of their respective role.

Related Policies

Policy 1.34 Employee Development and Performance Reviews