Instructional Contracts with External Organizations Procedures
I. Definitions
Instructional Contract
An “Instructional Contract” is any contract or agreement between Central Piedmont an external organization for instruction provided by the agency for the College, or provided for the agency by the College, even if no funds are exchanged. Specifically excluded in this definition are employment contracts with full- or part-time instructors and purchase orders for supplies or equipment.
Contract Manager
A “Contract Manager” is the person charged with the operational management of an instructional contract or agreement.
II. Regulations
The following regulations govern the issuance of instructional contracts with external organizations:
- The contract must bear the approval signatures of College officials identified in Part III. A. of this section.
- The contract must include a statement that “the instructional services and programs being provided are consistent with the purpose, policies, and procedures of the College."
- A contract for curriculum instruction provided to the College by an external organization must also comply with State Board of Community Colleges Code 1D SBCCC 400.5.
- A signed copy of each instruction contract with an external organization must be sent to the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs.
III. Procedures
A. Contract Approval
All contracts must have the signature of the associate dean and the appropriate dean. On occasions to be determined by the appropriate dean, following consultation with the College’s Risk Manager, the signature of the College Risk Manager may also be required. Contracts that involve one of the following conditions shall also be signed by the Vice President for Academic Affairs:
- Contracts with a value of $5,000 or more;
- Contracts that involve multiple Central Piedmont departments or division;
- Contracts that may create unusual liability situations;
- Contracts with a potential financial commitment greater than $100,000 over the life of the contract shall have the signature of the Vice President for Finance and Facilities Operations, the Vice President for Academic Affairs, and the President or designee.
Contracts involving curriculum instruction provided to the College by a public or private organization must also adhere to the approvals specified in State Board of Community Colleges Code 1D SBCCC 400.5, including approval by the College’s Board of Trustees. Contracts with proprietary or private, non-profit institutions have additional requirements, as stipulated in the State Board of Community Colleges Code.
B. Contract Filing
A signed copy of all instructional contracts with organizations outside the College must be sent to the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs and the President of the North Carolina Community College System. It is the responsibility of the Contract Manager to comply with this requirement.